Sincerely Speaking with Marcy Amaro

10 Winning Traits to Cultivate Today!

Episode Summary

What do most high achievers have in common? When you take the time to study and examine the lives of great people throughout history, and when you have the opportunity to have conversations with people who are doing great things in the world, you start noticing some patterns in their behaviors, attitudes, and in the way they approach life. In this episode of Sincerely Speaking, I would like to share with you 10 winning traits I have observed in most of the truly successful people I’ve had the blessing of interacting with. Call them habits, disciplines, or approaches, these 10 traits (and a bonus I added there at the end) will prepare you and equip you for advancing towards that next level. Are you ready to elevate yourself and your life?

Episode Notes

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Access the Episode Mentioned: “Your Four Most Valuable Personal Resources”